BSB Number 670-864 for Cuscal Sydney

670-864 is the BSB number for Cuscal Sydney which is located at Level 6 35 Clarence Street Postcode-2000 in Sydney, New South Wales (NSW).

BSB Number details for 670-864

BSB Number 670-864
Financial Institution/Bank Cuscal Limited
Bank Code: 67
Branch 86 400 LTD
Branch Code: 864
Address Level 6 35 Clarence Street Postcode-2000
Suburb / Town / City Sydney
State New South Wales (NSW)
State Code: 0
Payment System Electronic, High Value
Financial Institution Code YOU
Bank Name Cuscal

What is 670-864?

670864 is a BSB Number, assigned to 86 400 LTD branch of Cuscal which is located at Level 6 35 Clarence Street Postcode-2000, YOU and it is a six digit unique code to identify the branch with in Australia.

Format of BSB Number: 670-864

BSB Code: 670-864 consist of six numerals and made up of three parts as below given.

  • The First two digits (67) specifies the bank ( i.e. Cuscal)
  • The Thrid digit (0) indicates the state (i.e. New South Wales ) where the branch is located
  • The remaining three digits (864) is the unique identifier for a branch (i.e. 86 400 LTD)

Usages of BSB Number: 670-864

BSB Number: 670-864 is allocated by Australian Payments network (AusPayNet) and used in a number of payment systmes in Australia.

State-wise Cuscal Branches

Cuscal Branches in New South Wales

Near by branches of Cuscal

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